Online Housing Application Forms
Intelligent forms making it simpler and quicker to apply
Saving staff time and effort for your Housing Association
Simple Sign Up
Applicants can register and verify their email address.
By registering they can login and complete application over as many sessions as they need.
Generate multiple PDFs of completed forms
Equality Information sent to different team member
Our forms help you comply with GDPR regulations with equality information gathering
Save as you go
In an ideal world we would have all the information we need readily available to complete an online housing application form.
That is not always going to be the case, and as such the applicant can save as they go, and return later if needed.
Designed to work across all devices
On your desktop, your tablet, or phone, complete with ease
And easily attach documents or images if any evidence of answers is needed
Only see what you need
On paper forms the applicant gets to see all form fields, and that can prove confusing.
Our online forms will only show the relevant form fields they need to see based on previous answers they give.
Online Housing Application Forms
Intelligent forms making it simpler and quicker to apply
Saving staff time and effort for your Housing Association too
Require Evidence ?
Do you spend too much time chasing applicants for evidence to confirm what they have said on their application?
You can set your online form up to require applicants to upload evidence before submitting their application, and/ or, you can allow them to post the evidence to you, or alternatively, you can chose to not include this as a requirement.
You have full flexibility to utilise the form in a way that best suits you, and your applicants.
Online Housing Application Forms
Intelligent forms making it simpler and quicker to apply
Saving staff time and effort for your Housing Association too