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Website Accessibility Statement

This website is built using HTML5 and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), according to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards.

We have made every effort to ensure that this website is accessible to as many people as possible, no matter the size of the screen or the method of accessing the site.

We believe that this website meets or exceeds the requirements of the level A criteria of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (WCAG WAI) 2.0 guidelines. We endeavour to meet with WCAG 2.0 AA standards.

Browser compatibility

This website has been optimized for modern browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge, . Older browsers may offer limited functionality though the content should still be accessible and readable.

Mobile device compatibility

This website is responsive and will re-organize itself depending on the device's screen size. Display is therefore scalable for viewing the site on different screen sizes, phones and tablets.

Website standards compliance

The following methodology was applied when this site was created.

  • Separation of content, style and structure using CSS, HTML5 and Aria
  • Colours and text size can be changed through the user’s own browser settings
  • Links have been created for easy identification and navigation
  • External links will open in new window/tab
  • Tables are not used for layout purposes, and all inline images will have descriptions
  • Required fields on all forms are clearly identified.
  • "Skip to main content" link has been added to allow one-click access to the main content of each page
  • Site navigation is consistent across the whole site.
  • In some cases, ReadIT or SpeakIT speech software has been added to the site to enable content to be read out loud directly within the browser.
  • Text and background colours have sufficient contrast where possible.
  • JavaScript degrades gracefully, so, where possible, the site content is accessible without JavaScript

Comments or feedback for the Developers

Kiswebs are continually striving to create websites that meet best practice and comply with all relevant guidelines and laws. If you encounter any issues while using the site, please contact us at /