Board And Committee Login Portal
Giving access to board members in a simple way
Easy access to all relevant information
Multiple Meeting Types
Setup any number of different meeting types.
Easily specify future dates for each meeting type.
You can even colour code the meetings for added clarity for board members.
Accessible on Desktop, Tablets, and Hand Held Devices
Board can access all meeting information directly from their phone
Meeting information can contain link to video meeting for ease of access
Board Members can login and specify attendance by video, or in person, or non attendance. See who is or is not attending
Agenda / Minutes
Large visible buttons for easy acccess to agenda and minutes (if the meeting has passed).
Create BAC Agendas or Upload Agendas
Attach documents to BAC Agenda sections and items
or Simply add documents into the document section for meetings
Calendar View
Board members can view all up coming (and past) meeting in the Calendar view.
Does your Board / Committee want something simple to use?
BAC is fully customisable for your Board's needs and wants
Contact us to find out how BAC can work for your Board